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KMUW Sustainers make ongoing monthly contributions that are drafted each month. It’s a convenient way to support all the NPR and KMUW programs you rely on. Your monthly payments are securely and automatically withdrawn from your credit card, debit card or bank account. Sustaining members make up 42 percent of KMUW’s annual members, providing a steady source of funding that KMUW turns into trusted journalism, entertaining music, and thoughtful conversations. Join the growing list of KMUW Sustainers, in 16 states across the U.S. and 104 cities, and become a KMUW Sustainer today! 

Already a Sustainer?

Thank you so much for supporting KMUW! Your monthly contributions keep KMUW strong year-round for our community.

Update payment information or change the amount of your sustaining membership by calling (316) 978-6789.

Why should you become a Sustaining member?

  • You’re investing in the quality programming you love on KMUW. Plus, you’re providing KMUW with a steady cash flow to manage our budget more easily.
  • It’s easy! You probably don’t even think about your Netflix™ or Hulu™ subscriptions anymore. It has become a manageable part of your monthly budget. Your monthly contribution makes a huge impact for KMUW, our programming and your community.
  • You’re always a member of KMUW! Your donation will continue uninterrupted until you contact us to make a change.

KMUW Sustainer Benefits

  • Sustainers receive special emails with updates about exclusive Sustainer events, free ticket opportunities, station news and special programming.
  • Sustainers actually save KMUW money! You receive less mail and no renewal notices.
  • As a Sustainer, you will have the satisfaction of knowing all the news, information and entertainment programs you listen to each and every day are made possible with your ongoing, Sustaining support.
  • You'll be invited to record KMUW's top of the hour station ID!

As a Sustainer, am I eligible for a thank you gift?

Yes! Just email membership@kmuw.org or call 316-978-6789 and we’ll check your account and see what new gift you’re eligible for. Check out our current thank you gifts here.


Email membership@kmuw.org or call us at 316-978-6789 and we’d be happy to answer any questions you have about your Sustaining membership.